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Office of Open Practice
Web, Interactive, Web Development
Office of Open Practice is a studio specializing in architecture, design, and public art, crafting spatial experiences for people, cities, companies, and institutions.
Creative Time: Cosmologyscape
Interaction, Motion Graphic, Type Design
Cosmologyscape is a public art project by Indigenous artist Kite and Black artist Alisha B. Wormsley, commissioned by Creative Time. This project invites participants to contribute to a cosmic quilt of collective dreams. Each dream shared through Cosmologyscape is transformed into a unique pattern generated from 26 custom Black and Lakota symbols designed by the artists.
Melon AI
Branding, 3D, motion
Melon AI was an application designed to help users build a personalized AI companion by saving and organizing content from various online sources, such as articles, videos, and podcasts.
Everything G(r)o(w)es
"Everything G(r)o(w)es" is a virtual environment where memories transcend mere recollections and become living entities. By transforming your surroundings into fertile ground for microorganisms, this project creates a dynamic space where memories grow and evolve, offering a unique way to explore and preserve the moments that once mattered in your past.
Ella Varr Burgess - Portfolio
Portfolio website for Ella Varr Burgess, in collaboration with Alex Silva. Launching in 2025
Smuggler(unused concepts)
Web design concept for Smuggler, a film production company
Speculative Design, Web, AI, 3D
A research and design project that challenges the expectation of AI collaborative relationship in creative work.
The Folks
3D, Misc
A series of spirits and personalities, hand crafted with clay and 3D program Womp
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